Serving 7,000 visitors per year, our state-of-the-art department and caring staff are. In addition to maintaining stringent cleaning and social distancing standards in the ED, we ensure all staff and patients have masks or other personal protective equipment and immediately isolate patients who arrive in the ED with symptoms of an infectious disease like COVID-19. The RMH Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Preventing infections: RUSH University Medical Center is one of 35 medical centers in the nation designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having the highest standards in infection control.Our ICUs are equipped with the latest advances in critical care. If you or your loved one requires intensive care, you will be cared for by our highly experienced ICU clinicians. RUSH University Medical Center is ranked No. Orthopedic excellence: If you have a broken bone, ligament tear or other injury that may require surgery, RUSH can provide you with world-class orthopedic care.In fact, we consistently beat national standards for the time it takes us to open blocked arteries, which means we save more heart muscle - and lives.
Apply to Food Service Associate, Patient Care Technician, Childcare Provider and more.
Expert heart attack and stroke care: You will receive prompt intervention to prevent or treat heart attacks and strokes. 547 Rush Hospital Hospital jobs available in Chicago, IL on.RUSH Excellence in Emergency Department Services